Thursday, December 27

ENO9 Shout out: Your new free traffic and list building system is ready...

Dear Evening News On Net Reader,

List and Traffic-building just go so much easier!

Craig Haywood from TrackThatAd just launched his new MyViralPopAds and it looks like a
nifty little tool.

I'm currently testing it and getting somegreat traffic and results from it.


It's free to join and you can place these little cool floating ads on your website. Actually you don't even need a wesite, youcan also use them on affiliate links.

But it won't only drive traffic to your site, it will also build you a list. And as
the name suggests, this all happens virally,meaning no effort on your part.


You can see MyViralPopAds in action at

I highly recommend giving it a spin and if you want to maximize your traffic and list
building you should take a good look at the one-time-offer... it's a sweet life time deal.

Have a great day,

Andy Airil

P.S. Believe me when I say this is going to rock your socks off! Not only is is free to join, but you will get laser targeted-traffic for life and build your list at the same time!
