Friday, December 7

Videos Are The New Selling Medium

By Matt Ide

If you have been an Internet marketer for any length of time you know how important it is to drive traffic to your website in order to make more sales. Traditionally, having great keywords and articles linking to your website along with great back links as in the way to generate more sales with your website.

But recently research is showing that videos are the new medium to making more sales online. There are several factors for this. The first being that it is an easy way to get a message across reviewer in a very short amount of time, often within a minute or less. Second, more people are willing to watch a video for two or three minutes then they would to read an article and especially if that video is entertaining.

Videos to sell online products and inform viewers of your website is an amazing new concept that it's just been recently discovered to work very well and conversions of individuals clicking through from the video site to your website can be astronomical.

Here are a few tips on how to use video to get more traffic to your website.

Studies have shown that using watermarks in your video to medically improve the chances of an individual clicking through to your website. However, some sites do not allow watermarks and there for you to find the sites that do.

Using a good background music is a wise choice in using videos to sell or to gain clicks to your website as you can generate excitement by having a good quality soundtrack playing in the background.

So the best converting videos for creating massive traffic to websites has been through the use of funny videos. Many viewers go to video sites in order watch funny videos. By having a link at the bottom of the video combined with a funny video in and of itself you can dramatically increase click through his to your website much more so than through an article or an ad.

Another recent study has shown that using videos in e-mails has often converted the click through his dramatically simply because of the fact that there is a link to a video that the viewer might want to watch and that is hopefully related to the subject of the e-mail.

Using video to gain traffic and make more sales is a cutting-edge technique that is just now being discovered on the Internet. Apply these principles now and you can be generating a lot more traffic than you have seen previously.

If you'd like to learn more techniques on Internet marketing please visit

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