Friday, November 30

Be your own SEO expert with Web CEO

Testimonials Clients:
"I use Web CEO everyday at work. In fact, I hounded the CEO into purchasing the Professional Un-leashed edition with which he is very satisfied that I did.

I think Web CEO is "the" SEO/SEM tool to use that far out runs any of the competition around today or, in my opinion, anything that could be dreamed up in the future, as you guys have created a sensational, professional and substantial piece of marketing genius that was profoundly necessary for the professional SEO Marketer like me."

Steven J. Ram
Project Manager

"I bought a copy of v6.5 on the 14th and today I am No.1 of Google for "Website Design Fleet" and for "Monthly Maintenance Plans" and rank well for several other keywords too.

Many thanks for such a great product!"

Andy Allen

"It's very refreshing to find a company that actually cares about this sort of feedback and takes the time to respond quickly to customer concerns. I've been in a "customer service" roll for almost 8 years now, Telecommunications and IT in general, I greatly appreciate the level of customer service that you have been providing me."

Paul Wells