Saturday, November 3

How To Start a Profitable Online Business in 5 Easy Steps And For Under $40

By Gabriel Aguinaga

So you want to start an internet home business?

There are five important steps you must follow:

(1) Find a product to sell

(2) Design your sales page

(3) Setup credit card processing on your website

(4) Find a website host and upload your sales pages

(5) Promote your website products

Now the question remains: How can I follow the above steps with a $40 budget?

FACT: I have found that buying resell rights to quality digital products is by far the easiest & cheapest way to start a successful online business.

1) Find a product to sell. Average cost: $30

You can buy resell rights to quality information & software Products for as little as $30. A quick search for the terms "resell rights" on any major search engine will produce plenty of product offers for you to choose from.

Once you have bought the product/resell rights you will be able to sell the product yourself and keep 100% of the profits every time. Another advantage of selling digital products online is that they costs nothing to deliver. Translation: huge profit margins.

2) Design your sales page. Average cost: $0.

That is right, $0. Most, if not all, digital products for which resell rights are available come with a professional ready to take order websites. This means that as soon as you buy resell rights to a product -- not only will you have a product of your own -- but you will also have a professionally designed sales page to help you start selling your product immediately.

3) Setup credit card processing on your website. Average cost: $0

There are various ways to this; however, since we are trying to keep our expenses to a minimum we are going to use paypal.

Visit and open an account. Their website is very well designed and it does an awesome job of guiding you through the registration process. NOTE: paypal will setup your merchant account at no cost but will deduct 1.9% + $0.30 transaction fee.

4) Find a website host and upload your sales pages. Average starting cost: $13.

Well, you can do this for free but I wouldn’t recommend it. I suggest that you choose because they are highly reliable. Note that I am not affiliated with godaddy in any way; I advocate them because I am a customer myself and I have experienced nothing but 100% top service. You can register a ".COM" domain for as little as $8.95 per year and get hosting for only $3.95 per month.

If you choose to get free hosting, go with They provide free bannerless web hosting, which is extremely rare to find.

5) Promote your website products.

Now that you have completed steps 1 trough 4 you need to drive traffic to you website. I suggest that you start by advertising on free classified sites, joining free traffic and banner exchange programs, join list builders, use free email safelists as well as other similar programs.

Note: Although it is not free -- I suggest that you start a Pay Per Click Campaign at any of the top search engines in order to drive highly targeted visitors to your site/s. Overture, Google Adwords and are my top picks for this type of marketing.

Final Thought.

There you have it: a fully functional online business in 5 easy steps and for under $40. Always keep in mind that knowledge is money... the more knowledge you have the more profits you will rake in. Always keep learning about internet marketing, stay focused and never quit.

About The Author
Gabriel Aguinaga, "The Resell Rights Guy", is the owner of to learn more about him and his expertise, visit his site at