Thursday, November 8

Internet Marketing Tips - List Building The Smart Way

by Steven Wagenheim.

If I hear one more person say to me that the money is in the list, I swear to Pete that I'm going to take a crowbar to my computer. The money is NOT in the list. The money is ONLY in the list IF you know the right way to build a list and then what to do with it AFTER you have built it. This article is going to teach you smart list building. I do it and it works. Keep reading if you want a list that actually buys from you.

Step one is to make the person an offer that he can't refuse in order to even sign up for your list. That's right. Just saying that he'll get a weekly newsletter isn't good enough anymore. People want more than that. So you have to give them something like a free ebook or piece of software, something that they'd normally expect to pay good money for. Yes, that's what it takes today so get over yourself. Go crank out a 30 or 40 page book on a topic and give it away in exchange for that person's email address.

Step two is to put together an autoresponder series that blows away most ebooks that are out there on the topic of your choice. Have as much excellent info in it as you can afford to give without giving away the store. As an example, I have a series that warns people of all the dangers of marketing online. It goes over all the mistakes that people make when marketing. It covers advertising, site design and so on. Just by avoiding all the mistakes, these people can increase their income. Then, when I make my offer to show them all the things that they should do, they're more receptive to buying.

Step three is to put together a plan for frequency of emailing these people. You don't want to badger your list. Nobody wants to be sold to day after day. You want to give these people a chance to digest the info that you've just given them. I personally email my list about two times a week. The only way you're going to know what's right for your list is by testing. If you want, put out a questionnaire and ask them how often they'd like to hear from you. Take the majority of the responses and make some kind of decision based on them. You won't make everybody happy.

The last step is, when you do sell these people something, make sure it is something of quality. If you sell them garbage, your reputation will be shot quickly. Make these people glad that they're on your list. In the long run, they'll be happy and you'll make money.

To YOUR Success!

About The Author
Steven Wagenheim. Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at