Tuesday, November 27

Internet 'Street Smarts' Traffic Secret - Audience versus Target Market

Before you jump in and build a website, start by developing a marketing plan that targets an audience rather than just a market.

Let's say your plan is to sell to young mothers, so your AUDIENCE is 'young moms', but within this audience are many small NICHE target markets.

* NOTE: Niche marketing means marketing to a highly targeted market sector versus marketing to a large general audience.

Look at some of the many niche markets for 'young moms':

Young moms that are overweight - are a target market for diet products.

Young moms that are divorced - are a target market for dating sites.

Young moms that want a divorce - are a target market for divorce attorneys.

Young moms that have children with learning disorders - are a target market for special training sites.

Young moms that worry about what their kid's eat - are a target market for a cookbook site.

Young moms that worry about a college education for their kid's - are a target market for an investment advice site.

Young moms with a growing family - are a target market for a mortgage information site.

Young moms with a growing family - are a target market for a home improvement site.

Young moms with a growing family - are a target market for a real estate site.

Young moms with a growing family - are a target market for life insurance.

If you take the approach of concentrating on an AUDIENCE, then you can target the many small NICHE markets that exist within your target audience.

Imagine, in this example for 'young moms', if you have a series of websites each targeted at one of the niche market examples mentioned above. As your email list grows, for each site, you can start to use your email marketing campaigns to cross promote all of your websites because your have a common AUDIENCE.

Example: If one of the 'young moms', that joins your list for say a home improvement site, just happens to want to lose some weight then, you already have a potential customer because you also have a weight loss or diet site.

This works because domain names and hosting are downright cheap.

You can easily setup multiple sites because domain names and hosting are very inexpensive. The cost of owning one website - called a domain name - is less than $10.

To put that domain name on the Internet requires a hosting company. This is a company that will rent you space on a server [a special type of computer] where you store the files that make up your website. Hosting companies have direct connections to the Internet. When people type your website name into their web browser they are sent to your hosting company where your websites files are located.

Another Internet 'Street Smarts' lesson: Create a family of sites.

If you do your homework, you will find hosting companies that will let you host a whole bunch of websites for one low monthly price. That's right, you do not have to pay a separate hosting fee for each site you own if you use the right hosting company.

Since purchasing a website name and hosting a website is very inexpensive make sure and design your marketing plan to take advantage of these benefits. Rather than build just one site, plan on building a family of sites all targeted at the same audience, but with each of your individual websites targeted at a small special niche within your target audience.

Put up one simple niche site a month and you'll have 12 separate moneymakers by the end of the year.

About this author
Here's another Internet "Street Smarts" lesson: Everyday thousands of people search the Internet looking for this one thing. Do you know what this one thing is? Read the real life online adventure about a maverick young mom that has decided to say goodbye to working 50-60 hour weeks and stay at home for more Internet "Street Smarts" lessons. Go here ==> http://www.bathrobemillionairesclub.com/20/