Wednesday, November 28

Creativity Boost: Be More Creative - How To Give Your Creativity Permission To Be Amazing

Creativity is abundant in each of us. The problem is not that we're not capable of being creative. The problem is so often we don't ALLOW ourselves to be creative.

Let's say you're a sports car enthusiast. On your front drive is the most gorgeous Ferrari you could imagine. And it's all yours. But because it's been so long since you even sat in it, let alone took it for a spin, you barely notice it's there anymore.

Every day you walk past your beautiful automobile with its V12 engine waiting to purr into life and its shiny red paintwork glimmering in the sun. But it might as well be a rusting old wreck there, the amount you use it.

Then you go around all day gazing longingly and enviously at other beautiful cars driving around, wishing you had such a fabulous machine to drive. Even though there's one right there on your front drive!

It's a similar story with our creative talents. If it's been a long time since we used our creativity regularly, then however creative we're capable of being, we simply overlook it, and "forget" all the creative potential and abilities that lies within us.

So what can you do to realise the creativity in you once again and start putting it to use?

Back to the Ferrari for a moment. If you look on your kitchen counter where you keep all your keys, you'll realise there's a Ferrari keyring, with a Ferrari key. It's been there all along waiting for you to take it out to the Ferrari, put it in the ignition and go for that blast on the open road you've been longing to take for years.

What's the equivalent "key" to your creativity? It's all about giving yourself permission to be creative, allowing that creative talent within you to come out to play and show you what it can do.

So how do you give yourself this permission to be creative? How do you turn the key in your ignition?

There are many ways. Here are 3 of the most important ones:

1. Create Everyday. When you creativity knows it has a regular time slot in which to come out, it becomes far more willing to reveal its talents. It knows that the same time each day is put aside for creative work, rather than being like a kid after the heavy first snowfall of the winter sitting inside wrapped up in coat, scarf, gloves and boots but not being allowed out to play until his mother says it's OK to go and make a snowman.

2. A place to create. If each time you want to create you have nowhere to go, or your desk or creative space is cluttered up with all sorts of other stuff that gets in the way of you creating easily, you're not going to be very creative. Dedicate at least the corner of a room to your creative projects and have it set up and ready for creating with everything you need close to hand.

3. Capture your ideas. A lack of ideas is a serious creativity killer. But the problem is not that you don't have enough ideas, it's that you don't capture them when you do have them. By capturing ideas as soon as they come to you in a sketchbook or on a voice recorder, you keep a supply ready to explore. This sends the message to your creativity to produce more ideas, because it knows you're going to make use of them. Again, you've given it permission.

These are 3 ways you can start using today to give your creativity the permission it needs to come out and play and show you just how amazing it can be.

So grab the keys, hop in your Ferrari and head out for the open road!